The original West Coast Fusion Bellydancer/Popper, Edenia is known far and wide for her completely unique style. Though Popping was Edenia’s first love, which she began mastering in Junior High, in 2006 she was entranced by her first Rachel Brice video and immediately became addicted to Fusion Bellydance as well.
She promptly began studying Tribal Fusion Bellydance with Zahreen, to whom she is eternally grateful. Edenia is nothing less than a creature of hard work and dedication and continues to learn and evolve in Bellydance as well as in Popping. She continues to study with many teachers, near and far, and prides herself in pushing to new physical limits daily.Traveling all over the world, she teaches workshops and performs and can be seen on music videos as well as recent Television.
Edenia has even toured with the popular Belly Dance Super Stars (BDSS) to Japan in 2011. Likewise, you can often find her as a highlighted performer and instructor at the most popular Events.
Edenia insists, however, that she loves all styles of dance and says that every dancer out there is an inspiration to her. And it is through her passion that she attributes her growth in life.
Find out more and see video of Edenia performing via her website: www.edeniabellydance.com