Bring your reusable dishes (plates/bowls) and flatware to use throughout the weekend for your meals. Not only can you show off your style and grooviness by the dishes and flatware you bring, you'll be helping us to do our small part in creating less waste. Imagine at the end of the festival only a few bags of waste being put into the landfill – it would be a FUSION miracle!
We need your help. Please remember to bring your dishes and flatware each time you purchase food from our fantastic GREEN FOOD VENDORS. They have all agreed to provide your food on a simple sheet of thin, grocery paper so that it can be easily transfered to your own plate.
We'll have an official "dish washing" station inside the festival area so that you don't have to hang on to a dirty dish while you're having fun (and for those whom are camping in the VIP Musicians Campground). Please do not wash your dishes in the bathrooms at Lake Casitas, let's keep them nice for everyone to use. Of course, you can take your dishes back to your camp spot and wash them there at your own dishwashing station. Please be respectful and clean up after yourself and keep the festival looking beautiful!
Festivals create a LOT of waste. Help us and the lake stay healthy and green!
Bringing a reusable bottle and a cup for tea/coffee can help reduce waste at FUSION ten-fold. You can use your cup or bottle to purchase drinks from vendors as well as refilling your water bottle at one of our water stations inside the festival area. Your tea or coffee mug can be filled at the on-site cafe.
Plastic water bottles will not be sold at the festival. Each year, humans consume an average of 50 billion water bottles, and of those 50 billion, 80% end up in landfills. We hope that you will continue the tradition of using a reusable bottle even once you have left the festival. We all want a beautiful planet, but it won't be pretty when it's covered in plastic trash or has toxic plastic chemicals leaching into the earth.
Remember when we used to drink water straight out of the faucet? Out of a hose in the summer time? Out of a stream? Let's get back to our roots and remember a time when we all thought it was silly that water was being sold in a bottle.

We will have water stations conveniently located at the festival for you to refill your reusable water bottles and/or cups. That's right, FREE WATER! As it should be.
Please take advantage of these water stations and stay hydrated. Lots of dancing, laughing, and fun can lead to dehydration and if there's one thing we know it's that staying hydrated is the key to good health.
Please be conscious of those around you and keep the water stations clean and free of trash and debris. DO NOT wash your dishes at the water stations. We have a dish-washing station on site just for you.

A recycle bin will be next to each trash bin. PLEASE be conscious of what you are putting in each bin. Ask yourself these questions before throwing it out:
Can I reuse this? Hang on to it!
If I can't reuse this item, can it be recycled? Put it in the recycle bin.
Remember that the cups from vendors can easily be reused, as well as bags, and any other containers. If it can be washed and reused, hang on to it for your next meal and/or purchase. If we all do our part, we'll have one of the cleanest festivals of all time! And who doesn't love a clean, beautiful space to dance and play in? Yay!
Our vendors have all gone green! We have required all of our vendors to use paper and/or environmentally friendly products to wrap up your purchases. Of course, the best thing is to not even need a bag! Bring your cloth bags for shopping and let our vendors know that no bag is required for your purchase.
You can also put your purchase in your backpack or purse.
We thank you for supporting our awesome vendors and for making another step towards being plastic-free.

Use your reusable dishes, bowls, and flatware each time you dine and have the piece of mind that you are creating an environment where there is less waste and more beauty!
Trust us, you'll want to use your pretty dishes and flatware when dining in our beautiful outdoor dining area. Sitting under the canopy of trees, enjoying the music, and the fresh ocean-mountain-fused air. Bring a whole matching set for your friends, or be an individual and show off your style with your very own personal set. Either way, it's going to be a lot of fun seeing what you all choose to bring!
Please keep in mind that non-breakable dishes are easier to keep safe at the festival and have less chance of breaking and potentially leaving shards. Please do not bring glass dishes. Ceramic, stainless steel, BPE-Free plastic, and other reusable materials that won't break are encouraged.

We love all of the ingenius ways that people are coming up with to be more environmentally conscious over the years. Post in the comments below and tell us how you stay green when you're not at the festival.
Have more green festival ideas? We'd love to hear them! Leave 'em in the comments!