The beautiful art of Belly Dance is considered a derivative of the world’s oldest
known documented dance forms, reaching back through pre-history and across many continents and cultures. Belly Dance is practiced by people of every age, size, race, ethnicity, color and creed; it is a welcoming, all-inclusive art form that fosters positive community values and promotes a climate of mutuality, respect and understanding between groups. The study and practice of this discipline provide many benefits to the participant, including fitness, grace, improved balance and self-esteem. Leela’s classes are great fun and filled with exciting learning opportunities. All of Leela’s students are welcome to participate in Troupe Performances; there are no ‘auditions’ or ‘cuts’. All levels of dance ability are welcomed and encouraged! Participation in performances fosters empowerment of the students, which in turn creates opportunities in their daily lives to express their creativity more freely and successfully. This serves as a continuous source of encouragement and a resource for recognition and development of talent. The dancers have a very positive experience, and the audiences are universally enchanted and enthusiastic.